*Important: Don’t give any phone numbers, email addresses, or home addresses in your listing - just a major intersection close to where you live. If someone wants what you have got, they will email you with their phone number. Spam is prevalent on Craigslist and this is the best way to filter out the junk replies. Just tonight I sold a dishwasher on Craigslist for $25 more than I paid for it one year ago! I can attribute this only to good pictures and an accurate description. If you sell something and the person is truly dissatisfied with their purchase for good reason…buy it back. There is no reason to have that on your conscience. Above all, be patient and have fun. Craigslist is like fishing in your sleep. If you have items in fair to excellent condition that are accurately depicted and described, they will sell eventually if priced right.
Payment: I have taken a personal check one time with success, but as a rule – stick to cash, mention this when you are on the phone with the buyer.
To jog your imagination, here is a list of some items that I have bought and sold on craigslist in the past few years: circa 1962 metal kitchen cabinets and range fan, old but working fridges, ovens, dishwashers, microwaves, wire, changing table from the 70’s, fish tank, countertop, shed, toilets, trampoline, coffee table, BBQ grill, painting easel, etc… If you’re not getting any bites on your items, lower the price or give it away to a charitable place like http://www.vianet.org/ in Allentown. They will come and pick it up with a truck and you get a tax write-off.
P.S. Try to keep the photos with your editing software under 100k in size each for quick uploading, I use NikonView which is a free program available online here http://download.cnet.com/Nikon-View/3000-18488_4-21903.html