First see if you can source a good used Weber off craigslist. Preferably one that has already been converted to natural gas. You may need to replace a few parts, but Weber's are know for being able to be rebuilt with relative ease. The frame on the one i found for $22 was a bit rusty, and the hinge was very stiff. Two pilot holes in the front frame and some sheet metal screws secured the cooking portion securely to the frame once again. A little 3-1 oil on the hinges had those working as good as new again as well.
Disclaimer: If you are not comfortable with plumbing, running gas lines and such hire a gas fitter. Also comply with any codes that in your area and make sure your gas line is grounded properly near the meter.
First, Tap a tee off your main and run a 1/2" flexible CSST line to an area outside near where your grill will reside. There is a 33' kit on amazon with fittings on both ends that has a price you can not likely beat. I like to use 3/4" couplings with a hex in-between for better control when tightening.
I use Rectorseal #5 pipe thread sealant for all of my water and gas connections. It can be pressurized immediately, easier to apply than teflon tape, and seems to have never leaked in all my installations. I also test every connection with gas leak spray a few minutes after installation and wait to see if bubbles appear. Obviously, gas leaks are not something you want to have in or around your home.
I used flexible CSST line and fastened it to underneath my joists with 1/2" plastic clips.
Mounted a 60 AMP disconnect box outside and removed the stock components. I chose this enclosure due to its outdoor use rated capability and it's ability to lock. Then I could install all of the connections required to get the flexible CSST line to the grill inlet hose. Mount the box 3-4' off the ground to make connections easy and protect against possible flood intrusion.
I got a new inlet hose for the grill to ensure that there would be a good connection, no leaks, the kit i got also comes with both ends of the quick disconnect line.
Keeping all the connections inside the box also makes things tidy. Of course, it is easy to remove the quick disconnect hose from the enclosure if you wish to move the grill more than 10' away.
I was able to source most items online for a bit cheaper, but did go to the plumbing supply house for a few fittings.
Good luck and happy grilling.